Skype 12+


Skype Communications S.a.r.l

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Skype – 连接、创建、交谈和发现,现在使用 Microsoft Copilot 即可实现

COPILOT 为你的人生旅途提供帮助
在 Skype 中使用 Microsoft Copilot
Copilot 是一款 AI 助手,可在任何设备上随时随地工作,让你的工作更智能、更高效、更有创造力,并与生活中的人和事保持联系。
无论你喜欢什么(浏览 Web、搜索答案、探索你的创意潜力,或者想出更有用的内容),Copilot 都可以帮助你发现新的可能性。

任何人免费使用 Skype
Skype 是随时随地与任何人保持联系的最佳方式,无论你是想和家人、朋友还是同事交谈。你最多可与 100 人进行免费视频通话,收发短信,与他人一起使用 ChatGPT,发送语音消息、表情符号,共享屏幕以显示你正在处理的内容。


• 隐私和 Cookie 策略:
• Microsoft 服务协议:
• 欧盟合同摘要:
• 消费者健康数据隐私策略:

所有权限都是可选的,都需要同意(不授予这些权限也可继续使用 Skype,但某些功能可能会不可用)。

•联系人 - Skype 可以同步设备联系人并将其上传到 Microsoft 服务器,以便你可以轻松查找和连接使用 Skype 的联系人。
•麦克风 - 用户需要麦克风才能在音频或视频通话期间收听你的声音,你也需要麦克风来录制音频消息。
•相机 - 用户需要相机才能在视频通话期间看到你,你也需要相机才能在使用 Skype 时拍摄照片或视频。
•位置 - 可以与其他用户共享你的位置,也可以使用你的位置来帮助查找你附近的相关地点。
•照片库 - 需要存储空间才能存储照片或与可能的聊天对象共享照片。
•通知 - 通知使得用户知道何时收到了消息或呼叫,即使 Skype 未处于活动使用状态。
•Siri - 这允许 Siri 在 Skype 中拨打电话。
•日历 - 访问日历,以便安排通话并将其添加到日历中。
•运动使用 - 运动使用是为了让 Skype 可以检测设备的旋转,以便 Skype 能够正确定向相机。


版本 8.136.1

我们认真听取你的反馈,努力改进 Skype。下面是 Skype 的新增功能:
- 登录速度更快: 已经登录到另一个 Microsoft 应用?无需在 Skype 中重新输入密码。
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.



4.7(满分 5 分)
26万 个评分

26万 个评分

Willie, Better Than Blended


Our family is in a trip for the week atone of the Hocking Hills cabins where there is no cellular service or connections but they do have WiFi. We thought we’d be able to use WiFi calling but it didn’t work. The cabin also has an internet phone but was experiencing difficulties with connecting so we had NO phone.

It wasn’t a huge deal but for safety reasons I prefer to have an emergency line to call out. I downloaded several apps that said we could make calls via WiFi and none worked. I also tried using my business line which we use a digital service provider for and it worked but only twice then kept failing. Our second day here while in my wife’s computer Skype popped up which I had forgotten about. And man was I glad it did because it worked AMAZINGLY! Outside of a lag in the call it was the ONLY things that worked which allowed us to contact the cabin staff regarding the phone and schedule some of the events we wanted to do with the kiddos.

Truly appreciate having Skype!


I’ve used Skype for almost 2 years daily now

My girlfriend and I are long distance so we call each other on the daily until she visits. I’ve used Skype over other apps and I have to say it has it’s ups and downs.
Pros: You can expect calls to work perfectly as long as you both have good internet connections. Even when you internet slows down you can still see each other but the quality drops so you can load the video. As someone who’s used Skype for years I’ve noticed on newer phones that selecting things actually works unlike on slower phones where its stutters and takes time.
Cons: They’re pushing too much with emojis and filters and stuff. Why do I have an option to take a picture in the middle of a Skype call? I can literally just turn on my camera and show the person. I have to press speaker all the time when I first make a call and I’m constantly pressing the camera button and waiting forever just to close it. After a call I’m literally asked every time how the quality was. Stop shoving things in my face please. I just wanna call, not see every “great feature you have”. Personally I don’t use 90% of the things Skype has to offer. I just call and turn on my camera. I wish it would focus on that and keep it simple. I don’t wanna have a 1/8 of my screen covered by something I don’t use.

Please just make calling easier, it’s starting to make me think I should switch to Discord.

Kopter Doctor

Used to be great…but now it is well below average

I have used Skype for a while and I like the translator but in recent times this app/program has gone downhill. The translator rarely works without issues. 98% of the time it repeats what I say or it stutters badly. The translation does not work as well as it used to. Also, you have to lock the screen because if you rotate your phone it will have an error where you can only see a sliver of the other person. I am forced to use this app but I sure wish there was another alternative. Please Fix Skype!!!!!

Update: while it may take several attempts to get the translator to work, I can say it works better than it did and I really do not have issues where is repeats what I say back to me. It will still disconnect randomly or the translator will stop working suddenly but it is improved. I don’t have an issue with rotating the phone anymore. One issue that remains is that if I get another call and place the current call on hold, I cannot take the original call off of hold once the second call is completed. I have to disconnect and start a new call with first caller that I placed on hold. Overall still the best app to use with a translator. Please keep improving!

App 隐私

开发者“Skype Communications S.a.r.l”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策


以下数据可能会用于在其他公司的 App 和网站中追踪你:

  • 标识符



  • 联系信息
  • 用户内容
  • 标识符
  • 使用数据
  • 诊断



  • Siri

    只需开口让 Siri 帮忙,即可在此 App 中轻松搞定大小事物。

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