sPoNGeCaSe 4+
TyPiNg LiKe tHiS mAdE eAsY
Kale Salad Inc
Designed for iPhone
- $0.99
iPhone Screenshots
sPoNgEcAse iS tHe EaSiEsT wAy iN hIsToRy tO tYpE lIkE tHis.
What’s New
Version 1.2
- bUgS
Ratings and Reviews
WeLl I mEaN. It WoOoRkS
If YoU hAvE 99 CeNtS tO bUrN ThIs Is A gOoD cHoICe. ThIs MeMe Is A lItTlE oLd BuT hEy It MaY MaKe A cOmEbAcK 20 yEaRs FrOm NoW aNd We WiLl LeAd ThE cOmMuNiTy WiTh ThIs PoWeRfUl ToOl. iF tHe PeOpLe WhO MaDe ThIs ApP aRe ReAdInG tHiS, GiVe Us SoMe MuFuQiN aUtOcOrReCT😤
WoW... YoU NeEd tHiS
Why take 5 minutes going in and out of lowercase and caps lock when you can pay a measly .99 cents just to be able to type the way you want
nOw i cAn tYpE LiKe tHiS AnD iM cOmpLeTeLy OpTiMiZiNg mY TiMe aNd NoW i HaVe ThE AbiLitY To dO MoRe oF ThE ThinGs tHaT i LoVe witH ThE PeOpLe tHaT i LOVe!♡
tHiS ApP DoEs iT'S PuRpOsE. i didN'T rEaLLY mEaN To pUrChAsE it i tHoUgHt iT WaS FrEe bUuUuUt i dOuBLe CLicKeD ThE SiDe bUtToN BeFoRe rEaDiNg ThAt iT CoSt mOnEy aNd iT SCaNnEd mY FaCe vErY QuicKLY WhEn i did rEaLiZe i wAs aBoUt tO GeT This aPp fOr rEaL MoNeY BuT it's finE ThOuGh bEcAusE i'M NoT ReALLy mAd aBoUt iT
App Privacy
The developer, Kale Salad Inc, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.
No Details Provided
The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.
- Seller
- Kale Salad Inc
- Size
- 15.1 MB
- Category
- Utilities
- Compatibility
- iPhone
- Requires iOS 10.0 or later.
- iPod touch
- Requires iOS 10.0 or later.
- Mac
- Requires macOS 11.0 or later and a Mac with Apple M1 chip or later.
- Languages
- Age Rating
- 4+
- Copyright
- © Kale Salad, Inc
- Price
- $0.99
Family Sharing
Up to six family members can use this app with Family Sharing enabled.