Success Weekly Planner 4+


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Being productive is hard. Success is based on prioritized task lists and the Pomodoro Technique. Plan your week ahead, set your daily tasks, and reflect on the past days to reach all your goals. Start today, and get to success quickly!

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평가 및 리뷰

65개의 평가

65개의 평가

BrightGTR ,

I’ve tried every other app, this has something they don’t

Simplicity. I have Things 3, ToDoist, and the things that came before. I like several pomodoro timers (Dennis Levechenko’s system is cool, tho this app Success has pride of place now).

With plain simplicity — and so CLARITY — the app author allows me to use whatever system I want.

And gives me a clean clear space — like the page of a notebook — to reduce the complexity of so many lists of tasks the others accumulate, to be accomplished via poms for each day.

I hope I don’t make it sound too simple.

Elegant would be the better word—In the scientific sense. It has exactly what I need for the day at hand. And no more.

I really like the opening introduction to the method. Worth checking out.

Thank you to the developer, who clearly spent a lot of time on this. It wins pride of place on my phone. And watch when that arrives (it is already partly here, with notifications I think).

Well done

개발자 답변 ,

I cannot thank you enough for your kind words. Thank you so much! This truly means a lot and I am so happy this app turned out to be useful to you. I wish you a beautiful day, and who knows, maybe Success is still somewhere on your phone!

j_data ,

Sleek, Easy, Out of the way

This app stands out as one of the best examples of how to do task tracking perfectly. I’ve tried countless apps with no success, but this one doesn’t weigh you down with excess steps and animations. Quick, easy, to the point. One recommendation, the name makes it almost impossible to find via search, maybe consider a way to enhance organic downloads. I found you from your blog post about react native on GitHub codespaces and would have never known about this otherwise.

개발자 답변 ,

Thanks a million, this is really so kind of you! A part of me really likes the idea of calling it success, since this is the goal behind it. I will keep that in mind though, thanks again for taking the time to write a review! And have a great day!

simplepunk942 ,

Effective, Simple, and Clean

This is by far the best task tracker I have used and highly recommend it. It is easy to use and has been effective at keeping me on track.

If I could make a request, I would love if the app synced across devices over iCloud. I'm a university student that often switches between iPhone and iPad for task tracking. :)

Thank you so much!

개발자 답변 ,

Thank you so much for the kind words and taking the time to write a review!! This feature has been in the back of my mind for a while...I really need to work on it someday! This would be next if I had to guess though. Wish you the best in your studies! :)

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