Terminal Emulator 4+

志鹏 潘

专为 iPad 设计

    • US$4.99


Terminal Emulator is a command line interface on iOS. Run Linux commands in sandbox and find command documents. Great way to start your Linux-like shell command journey.

awk - text pattern scanning and processing.
bc - implement an arbitrary precision calculator.
cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output.
cd - change the working directory.
chflags - he chflags utility modifies the file flags of the listed files as specified by the flags operation.
chgrp - change group ownership.
chmod - change file mode bits.
clear - clear the terminal screen.
compress — compress data by using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding.
cp - copy files and directories.
curl - curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server.
date - print or set the system date and time.
dc - desk calculator.
df - report file system disk space usage.
diff - compare files line by line.
dig - DNS lookup utility.
du - estimate file space usage.
echo - display a line of text.
env - run a program in a modified environment.
exit - exit the current tab.
grep - grep searches lines containing a match to the given PATTERN.
gzip, gunzip - compression/decompression tool using Lempel-Ziv.
head - output the first part of files.
host - DNS lookup utility.
ifconfig - ifconfig displays the status of the currently active interfaces.
link - make a new name for a file.
ln - make links between files.
ls - list directory contents.
lstat - retrieve information about the file pointed to by pathname.
md5 - calculate a message-digest checksum.
mkdir - make directories.
mv - move or rename files.
nc - arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens.
nslookup - query Internet name servers interactively.
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.
printenv - print all or part of environment.
pwd - print name of current/working directory.
readlink - print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names.
rlogin - remote login.
rm - remove files or directories.
rmdir - delete a directory.
say - convert text to audible speech.
sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
setenv - change or add an environment variable.
sftp - OpenSSH secure file transfer.
sh - shell, the standard command language interpreter.
sort - sort lines of text files.
ssh-keygen - OpenSSH authentication key utility.
ssh - OpenSSH remote login client.
sum - checksum and count the blocks in a file.
tail - output the last part of files.
tar - store multiple files in an archive, and to manipulate such archives.
tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files.
telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol.
touch - change file timestamps.
tr - translate or delete characters.
uname - get termianl emulator basic information.
uncompress - expand compressed data.
uniq - report or omit repeated lines.
unlink - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to.
unsetenv - remove an environment variable.
uptime - Tell how long the system has been running.
wc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file.
whois - Internet domain name and network number directory service.
xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input.


4.0(满分 5 分)
3 个评分

3 个评分



A very good app and terminal emulator


Not a good start

I wanted a straight-forward terminal for commands such as cUrl, and this appeared to fit the bill. The interface is clean, but the bugs are already adding up. First, I love when a terminal (or anything really) lets me decrease the font size to exactly what I want. This does, but it’s quite glitchy on showing the new font size. Basically, I have to force-quit and restart the app. Not a huge deal, but a bit sloppy. More frustrating is the command documentation. Viewing basic command help text is virtually always supported in the terminal itself. But this app only lists the supported commands themselves. There is a list of “Command Documents” listed in the help/settings screen, but it is not sorted alphabetically at all, and, more importantly, all of the links simply show an “Invalid SSL Certificate” error. This is why I can’t stand apps framing in web pages for what should be housed and rendered within the app. The source site doesn’t get maintained, and thus all the links are useless. So far, this has been a waste of my time.

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