Riddles run in the family in Layton’s Mystery Journey.

Layton’s Mystery Journey


Everyone loves a good mystery. From the humble loft above 221B Baker Street to the dusty courtroom of a Grisham novel, our imagination is sparked by the challenge of another case.

In gaming, there’s another name that comes to mind: Hershel Layton. Starting on Nintendo DS, the Professor Layton franchise has a reputation for a unique blend of head-scratching logic puzzles, jaw-dropping animation, and beautiful soundtracks. Now, for the first time in 10 years, the series welcomes a new protagonist—and comes to the App Store.

It’s a new era for the Layton series, and Kat is on the case!

Meet Katrielle, a headstrong young detective bent on cracking some of the world’s toughest challenges—not least of which is the disappearance of her father, the great Hershel Layton himself. After all, there isn’t a case a Layton can’t solve. In this new story, Kat encounters a fresh cast of characters, makes a few unexpected allies—a talking dog is a first!—and tackles some devious challenges.

Developer Level-5 continues its tradition of excellence with this game. You’ll find an engaging narrative at every turn, complete with film-quality animation that’ll keep you smiling even when you’re stumped.

This is not just a new era for the Layton franchise—it’s also the perfect chance to take on some of the most devilish puzzles gaming has to offer. Trust us: this is a mystery worth solving.