Tap to raid tricky tombs in Alabama Bones.

Alabama Bones

1 button cave exploration!


Spikes. Why did it have to be spikes?

Well, it had to be something in the satirical platformer Alabama Bones. You’ll die a hundred times in this challenging game, but when you do finally beat a tough level, don’t be surprised if you shout, “I DID IT!” (even if you’re on a crowded commuter train).

You’re a brave adventurer, but are you a clever one? Figuring out how to grab the three idols in one fell swoop is tricky!

The object of this punny puzzle-platformer is to get Bones, the scruffy protagonist, to gather three idols scattered throughout each of the 150-plus subterranean levels.

Bones runs automatically (he’s in great shape), but you’ll need to time your taps to help him leap from platform to platform, climb ladders, and swing heroically on ropes across bottomless pits. Mistime a jump and Bones’ adventures come to a quick end.

Swing on the rope, flip the switch, and avoid getting crushed by the giant boulder? No problem!

Refreshingly, there are no sour-grapes “Game Over” screens; simply tap to continue and try again. And again. And, yes, again. The game quickly complicates its simple formula with a dizzying array of precarious moves. It takes a keen eye—and some planning—to ace each thrilling level.

But keep at it. These tombs aren’t going to raid themselves!