Miracle Merchant

Solitaire Potion Magic Card


Your customer eyes you expectantly, hoping for a green potion, but as you look over your ingredients it’s clear you have to make a mostly yellow one. Can you concoct something that satisfies you both?

Cartoonist Thomas Wellmann created the game’s whimsical art.

That balancing act is what makes Miracle Merchant so fun—and surprisingly intense. Your goal is to create potions by blending four colored cards from your deck. Score points by masterfully juggling the cards your customers demand with those you need to get rid of.

Miracle Merchant is brimming with intricacies. Many cards, for example, can interact with adjacent ones to earn bonus points, introducing a subtle depth to each hand.

Take in a quick round or dive into the Daily Game, which challenges you with a particularly tough deck. Finishing that can feel like a miracle in the most satisfying way.