ProCam - Pro Camera

Manual Camera + RAW


If you want to make your iPhone camera more like a pro-level DSLR—complete with micro-adjustments to exposure and focus—you don't need some heavy housing or fancy lens. You just need ProCam 7.

The app saves photos in an uncompressed file format known as RAW, which retains all the information captured when you take a picture—giving you more flexibility when editing later with a compatible app.

Take your photography up a notch with ProCam 7.

Meanwhile, a user-friendly feature called Exposure Bracketing lets you take several shots at once, each at a different exposure level. Even if you didn’t manage to set the balance just right, one of the pictures should be a keeper.

ProCam 7 makes it easy to learn its advanced features, too. Just tap any function for the first time and you’ll see a handy tip on how to use it.