Burly Men at Sea

A folktale misadventure.


Three beefy fishermen find a map; except for their island in the center, it’s totally blank. “Useless,” barks Hasty Beard. “Must be more to it,” scoffs Steady Beard. “A mystery!” shouts Brave Beard, ready to set sail.

One guess whose muse they follow.

Even a larger-than-life trio looks small next to a giant rock creature.

Burly Men at Sea’s indie charm kicks in before you’ve explored those uncharted waters. Its minimalist art style makes every character endearing—from your hairy heroes to a merchant with a secret. The quirky sound effects and folksy soundtrack are a delight. And fun fantasy elements (like a ship-swallowing whale) invigorate the world of early 1900s Scandinavia.

More than that, though, married developers Brooke and David Condolora know just how to stoke a sense of adventure. As you encounter wild storms, grumpy sailors, and various challenges, you’ll fill in parts of the map. But not all of it.

At game’s end, you can sail back out and—by making different decisions at key points—enjoy scenarios missed on your last journey. A burly adventure awaits!