Campfire Cooking

Solve puzzles by the campfire


Some people say the best marshmallows are flame-blackened and molten inside. Those people are wrong.

Properly roasting a marshmallow is art, as the indie puzzler Campfire Cooking is well aware.

The goal of the game? To lightly singe pillowy confections. If you burn them, you fail. Which is, of course, as it should be.

Roast marshmallows and more in this delicious puzzler.

To play, you move skewered marshmallows across a puzzle grid, flipping them each time so that their undercooked spongy sides land on the squares with fire.

While easy at first, the puzzles quickly become more challenging. Multiple skewers are introduced in the same levels, multiple marshmallows are stacked on single skewers, and you have to deal with limited ranges of movement and pots filled with other foods.

As in real life around a campfire, you’ll fail often, but then you’ll try again. And again. And eventually you will emerge triumphant and bask in the glory of a perfectly seared treat.

In Campfire Cooking, art imitates life in the most delicious way.

The art and animations are full of personality.