A calm, compelling puzzler


The puzzles in KAMI 2 may look simple at first glance. But prepare to be delightfully stumped by these meditative brainteasers.

Each level opens with a colorful pattern of paper triangles that fills your screen. Your task is to turn all of them the same color within a set number of moves. To do so, tap a block of color in the pattern to change it to the hue of your choice. It’s a mesmerizing process, with all the little triangles flipping over in an elegant cascade.

Can you get the canvas to show a single colour within the allocated moves?

Although the game starts out easy enough, before long you have to work for your wins—which makes them all the more rewarding. It’s hard to describe the satisfaction of finally stumbling upon the solution.

Solving a single puzzle in Kami 2 could take 30 seconds or 30 minutes. It’s part of what makes this game so great. The puzzles themselves appear simple and unchanging, but your play continues to evolve and adapt.