All the Feels

Happy? Sad? Keep track with Moodnotes. Tap to read how.

Moodnotes - Mood Tracker

Daily Self Care Journal & CBT


Moodnotes makes checking in on your emotions easy, fun, and fast—even when you’re not in the mood to do so.

Once a day, the app asks how you’re feeling. A face appears on your screen: Slide your finger up to make it smile more, down to frown more—essentially a playful way to record your mood on a seven-point scale. (You can also go through the same process on an Apple Watch.)

Make the face match your mood. This playful seven-point scale is at the heart of the app.

At this point, either save your entry or add a few details: Moodnotes lets you write down whatever’s happening at the moment that might be contributing to your mood. You can also select more-nuanced feelings—cheerful, grateful, empty, stressed—from a multiple-choice list.

The benefit of tracking all this? Seeing the data displayed in Moodnotes colorful charts, which paint a picture of how you’re feeling over time.

See how you’re feeling over time.

“Being able to spot trends, to look back and see how you’ve been feeling, can be empowering,” says Edrick Dorian, cofounder of developer Thriveport and a licensed clinical psychologist.

For those who want to reflect more deeply, Moodnotes goes a step further: It tries to help you identify mental traps that led to your negative emotions, as well as the empowering thoughts that encouraged your positive ones.

Jot down thoughts on what’s affecting your mood.

If you’re feeling down, for example, Moodnotes leads you through a short exercise: It asks you to write down the thought that contributed most to your current emotion, then has you identify any “thinking traps” (such as “blaming” or “catastrophizing”) you might be falling into.

After going through this process, you’re asked to reconsider how you feel.

Review your moods—and the events that you think triggered them.

“There’s no jargon, no babble, no diagnostic information in Moodnotes,” Dorian says. “It’s all in plain-speak.”

Moodnotes stores your data locally on your iPhone or iPad, although iCloud backup is an option. If you’d like to share the information with a psychologist or other mental health professional, you can send it by email.

Try Moodnotes and you might be surprised at your ability to capture such a detailed snapshot of how you’re feeling with just a few swipes and taps.