Universe — AI Website Builder

Design sites with no-code


With Universe, you can get a website up and running in five minutes. Really.

To get started, just give your website a name, claim a domain (Universe will suggest alternates if yours is taken), and choose the type of site you’re building. Are you a musician? Starting a new restaurant? Creating an online presence for a church? Universe has presets for all of these and more.

After that, you’ll start dropping in content using a clever grid system. If you want to add, edit, or resize elements on your site, simply move the blocks around.

Since Universe is geared toward newbies, the app offers plenty of guides and tutorials as well as easy-to-understand site metrics, so you can see who’s visiting and when.

From adding buttons to fine-tuning your website’s formatting, you can do it all with Universe.

Universe starts by asking you a few simple questions: Is this a personal, business, or event site? Do you want to connect any social media accounts? What’s your ideal domain? The most time-consuming part is writing your bio, but you can skip this and add one later.