Doomsday Clicker

Apocalyptic red button game!


Full of wacky surprises, Doomsday Clicker takes a popular gaming trope and blows it to kingdom come.

For once, the end of the world isn’t a struggle to survive, nor is it the least bit grim. It’s a chance to make money! Now that everyone’s living in underground bunkers, you can put them to work generating a steady revenue stream.

Cartoony graphics and an upbeat soundtrack reinforce the goofy premise.

As in most idle games, you boost growth by investing: upgrading rooms, adding new ones, and splurging on additional bunkers. (The more citizens you have, the more cash you crank out.) You also face unexpected threats, like giant spiders that halt production until you eradicate them.

The game gets even more creative with how to maximize profits. Smooshing cockroaches on the surface grants instant bonuses, but the pièce de résistance is Doomsday Clicker’s version of a prestige mechanic. To start from scratch and build money faster, you actually tap a red button and trigger a fresh apocalypse, which turns all your people into faster-working mutants.

A zombie uprising? A deadly tidal wave? You never know what that button will spawn.

Like the rest of the game, these brink-of-extinction events (including an alien invasion!) are played for humor, not horror. They’re also a perfect example of how Doomsday Clicker turns genre staples into clever, can’t-miss gameplay.