Build a Winning Deck in Clash Royale

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Clash Royale

Epic Real-Time PvP Battles


Luck won’t save you in Clash Royale. To win in one of the App Store’s most competitive titles, you’ll blend the strategic tactics of tower-defense games with those of MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas).

For beginners and veterans alike, there comes a point when opponents seem to outmaneuver you at every turn. When you start getting stomped, it’s time to reevaluate your cards.

These five steps will help you build a winning deck.

Step 1: Try a tank

The game’s brawniest characters are known as Tanks. Huge, beefy, and full of hit points, these guys soak up a ton of damage. Position them in front of your weaker characters to act as shields. Don’t worry if Tanks take a beating. That’s their job!

It’s never a bad idea to have a few flying Support units in your deck. After all, enemies can’t stop you if they can’t reach you.

Step 2: Add a supporting cast

Tanks can’t do it alone. They’re slow and need a bit of help. That’s why you want Support characters like Musketeers and Wizards, who can clear enemies from range. Deploy them to lay down the hurt from behind the protection of your Tank.

Step 3: Drop a spell

When your troops are locked in combat, resist the temptation to always add more units. Use a Spell instead. (Most good decks require at least one.) Arrows can destroy weaker foes, while Rockets can punish strong foes and enemy towers.

Step 4: Be thrifty

Many Tanks and Supports have a high elixir cost, so offset that with some cheap cards: Pick up a few that cost less than three elixir and drop them fast when things get hairy. Skeletons and Goblins, for example, are great at distracting enemies.

Step 5: Play tenacious D

You need a solid defense for times when even a push goes seriously wrong. Thin the enemy ranks with an attack building (like the Cannon) or a structure (like the Goblin Hut) that spawns new units. Both of these will preserve precious elixir.