Demon collection RPG


It’s a typical day in Akihabara, Tokyo’s legendary geek district. Arcades are humming, maid cafés are bustling…and a demon with the head of a rooster and snakes for legs is challenging you to a throw-down.

You’re a Dx2, you see—a Devil Downloader—and battling supernatural monsters is your job...along with investigating crimes, exploring mystical dungeons, and recruiting your own army of bizarre beasties to fight for you.

Battles actually occur in another dimension, so cars and bystanders can’t interfere.

This visually stunning role-playing game eases you in with gentle good humor, even if it’s your first experience with Japan’s beloved Shin Megami Tensei series. As a newly recruited Dx2, you’ll learn how to beat demons in turn-based battles on the streets of Tokyo—and to fine-tune your squad to achieve the perfect balance of abilities.

Fighting a ghoul that can’t handle flames? Have your birdlike Feng Huang blast it with a fireball attack. Is an opponent hammering you with lightning? Send in your holy white tiger, Baihu: Those sizzling bolts can’t scratch him.

Just when you think Shin Megami Tensei Dx 2 has revealed all of its charms, the game introduces another fresh element. Soon you’re learning how to fuse demons to form even more ferocious fighters; you’ll also explore treasure-filled cyber-dungeons in first-person mode. Chatting with demons to persuade them to join your cause is wonderfully weird, and you’ll get a kick out of summoning creatures into your real-world living room through the magic of AR.

Say whatever’s needed to get enemy demons to join your ranks. In this case, the best answer is “Actually, yes.”

A fascinating story line, hilarious characters, a deep battle system, optional online team-ups—it’s astonishing that a game can have so many moving parts yet never feel overwhelming. It makes a showdown with a rooster-headed demon feel like just another day at the office.