War Dragons lets you command mythical beasts and breed new ones.

War Dragons

Command an army of fire


Here there be dragons. Fire-breathing, lightning-blasting, spell-casting dragons.

And they be awesome!

A super-satisfying mix of base-building real-time action and grand strategy, War Dragons casts you as the prodigal child of a long line of Dragon Lords. Finally home from your travels, you’re ready to expand your empire.

When you’re not attacking enemy strongholds, defend your own with ballistas and other ground weapons.

Build farms to feed your growing roster of flying serpents, as well as lumber mills so you can assemble other key structures. Craft cannons to repel enemy dragons, a forge to create useful power-ups, and a menacing volcanic keep, in which you’ll crossbreed enormous reptiles to spawn new, more powerful species.

Crossbreed enormous reptiles to spawn new, more powerful species.

Whether you want to capture supplies or earn experience points, attacking enemy fortresses is a literal blast. As your winged wyvern soars toward a rival’s castle, hold your finger on bridges, buildings, and catapults to unleash a torrent of flame.

Dragons come in various classes (sorcerer, hunter, warrior) and look unique. Some even fly without wings.

And because the game has a thriving player community, joining a squad of friends or a larger guild unlocks even more fiery fun. It’s a huge rush watching fellow Dragon Lords come to your aid in real time as you attack a tough enemy base—or helping comrades mount their own perilous assault. Larger, more strategic campaigns, which can take weeks to play out, offer massive spoils to the victor—even if you’re only in it to rain destruction upon your foes.