Time to Organize Your Notes

Find notes fast with Agenda’s date-based approach.

Agenda - Notes meets Calendar

Organize your days


As every devoted note taker knows, it’s easy for the note you need right now to get lost in the ocean of others you’ve taken. That’s where Agenda comes in. It goes beyond hashtags and folders, letting you sort and organize items by date and time so that what you need pops into view, right when you need it.

Agenda lets you sort notes by the date you’ve assigned to them. Use Shift + Command + D to quickly pick a date, or Shift + Command + Enter to assign today’s date.

Agenda makes it easy to assign a date to your note as you’re writing (click the calendar icon or use the keyboard shortcuts listed above). You can also attach a note to an event in your Mac’s Calendar app—or attach a Calendar event to your note.

Jotting down crucial info for a big meeting next month? Attach the Calendar event and your note will appear in Agenda’s “Today” view that morning—no matter how many times the meeting gets rescheduled.

Click the “On the Agenda” view for a pinboard with your most important notes.

Agenda also understands that not all priorities are time-based. Click that big yellow circle with the plus sign to add the note you’re working on to the “On the Agenda” view. How you use this list is up to you (some possibilities: very urgent deadlines, works in progress, especially great ideas), but you’ll have access to it all with a single click or the Command + 1 shortcut.