Candy Crush’s Sweetest Secrets

Tap for fun facts about the mouthwatering match-3 series.

Candy Crush Friends Saga

Cookie & Sugar Matching Puzzle


Like a lollipop with a bubblegum center, there’s more to Candy Crush than meets the eye. Straight from the game’s creators at King, here are four fun facts about the tasty series.

The octopus hunt

In Candy Crush Friends Saga, you’ll often encounter levels that challenge you to “Free the Octopuses.” While most of these little turquoise creatures poke out of the blocks they’re trapped in, some stay completely hidden from view.

A tip for finding the hidden Octopuses? Wait for a wiggle.

The trick to spotting them all? Watch for blocker tiles that wiggle a little–those are the ones hiding these bashful mollusks.

Get animated

King snuck this Easter egg into Candy Crush Friends Saga at the last minute: Tap on a Friend at the bottom of the screen when they’re idle to trigger a fun little animation, like Red Rabbit’s sly wink.

The sound of celebration

Whenever a Candy Crush Saga update is released, the team has a long-standing tradition: blasting Seal’s “Kiss From a Rose.” But a fun Easter egg in Friends Saga changed that. In honor of the small town in the game whose lights reflect the season and time of day, Swedish crooner Tommy Körberg’s “Stad i ljus” (City in Lights) became the team’s new celebratory anthem.

Celebrate your own Candy Crush triumphs with “Kiss From a Rose” and “Stad i ljus” on Apple Music.

A kooky cast

Where does the team at King find inspiration for Candy Crush’s crazy characters? In its own office! In the first Candy Crush title, the game’s artist, Mario Santos-Ramos, spawned Mario the Mole, a cheerful chap from the “Choco Rio Grande” episode. The Organist from Candy Crush Saga’s “Sour Salon” episode is based on the game’s electronic-music-loving art director (right down to his neat haircut, glasses, and, um, bare feet). And Shiba Inu, the star of the “Ice Cream Caves” episode, was inspired by an art team member’s adorable pooch.