Catch Up With a Classic: Hearthstone


Strategy Card Battle


Few games are as immediately welcoming as the hugely popular card battler Hearthstone and—for the many millions who play it every day—as consistently enthralling.

Since its release in 2014, the game has been continually expanded and revamped. Today’s Hearthstone may share DNA (and quite a few cards) with its original incarnation, but it’s as fresh now as it was when it launched. Here’s why we keep coming back to the warmest tavern in Azeroth.

A clean interface and easy-to-learn rules give way to devilishly difficult decisions.

It’s beautifully balanced

Hearthstone’s brilliance lies in its simplicity: Build a deck of 30 cards that summon monstrous minions, unleash deadly weapons, or conjure devastating spells to whittle your opponent’s health down to zero.

A few minutes in and it’ll all click into place; several hours later, you’ll discover you’ve picked up the game’s many complexities almost by osmosis. Taunt, Charge, Stealth, Silence—the list of abilities is massive and the interplay between cards is impossibly (and constantly) balanced.

Easy to learn, hard to master? Hearthstone wrote the book.

Do you play lots of cheap cards or build decks around heavy hitters?

It’s expansive

Hearthstone launched with 240 cards. To date, there have been over 3,000. That exponential growth didn’t happen haphazardly. Hearthstonehas enjoyed over a dozen themed expansions and smaller adventures over the years.

Some, like One Night in Karazhan, toy with the World of Warcraftlore that powers Hearthstone’s mythology. The Lovecraftian expansion Whispers of the Old Gods, meanwhile, threw players for a loop with wild new mechanics that could quickly turn a perfectly normal match into a randomized free-for-all.

One thing remains constant: Just when you think you have a handle on Hearthstone, it switches gears.

Control the board, win the game.

It refreshes itself

In 2016, Blizzard introduced an intriguing way to deal with its massive card library: new formats.

In Wild mode, all cards from all sets are available, while the more competitive Standard mode systematically removes older expansions as well as overused (or overpowered) cards. This prevents the game’s “meta”—its deck and card trends—from stagnating, making old strategies less potent as players explore new combinations. No matter when you pick it up, Hearthstone is in motion.

It’s dramatic

As strategically satisfying as Hearthstone is, Blizzard has worked equally hard to make it fun to watch. Cards and character icons slam down on the table with real force. When you win, fanfare and fireworks greet the victor.

This has helped turned Hearthstone into one of the world’s most watched esports. Global tournaments run year-round, bringing celebrated players together in online and in-person matches. With a $1 million prize pool, the Hearthstone World Championship is serious business—and seriously fun for fans.

Experimenting with new decks is half the fun.

With incredible depth and new expansions in the works, Hearthstone’s got something for everyone, with a table ready and waiting. As the innkeeper says, “There’s always room for another.”

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