Take Control of Your Notes

Need to write something down? Notability is here to help.

Notability: Notes, PDF

Note-Taking Beyond Paper


When it comes to taking notes, some people like to type them, some prefer writing by hand, and others record their voice to play back later. Notability lets you do all three.

Are you the kind of note taker who likes to circle and underline freehand or doodle in the margins? Notability takes those scribbles digital, enabling you to annotate text files and PDFs with ease. Want to draw a shape with perfectly straight lines? Now you can. (Just hold down Shift as you use the pen or highlighter tool.) Need to pepper your notes with zany GIFs? Probably not, but Notability lets you import them anyway—in all their animated glory—simply by dragging and dropping.

Say goodbye to endless paper notes.

Our favorite feature is the audio recorder, which syncs the audio you capture to what you’re typing—great for taking notes during an interview or lecture, for example. Click the microphone button in the toolbar to begin recording; click again to stop. But keep writing as you record. When you’re going over it all later, click the arrow next to the microphone, then the hand button, then click anywhere on your note: Wherever you click, Notability plays the audio it recorded when you entered that text or annotation.

And forget about rifling through crumpled pages. All these meticulously crafted notes are easy to organize, search, and sort.