The Swiftest Way to Swift

Swiftify for Xcode
Objective-C to Swift Converter
Do you have Objective-C source code you need to convert to Swift? Swiftify can pull this off with a single click.
Install the Swiftify Xcode extension (System Preferences > Extensions, then tick Swiftify for Xcode > Xcode Source Editor) to see a new Swiftify submenu in Xcode’s Editor menu.
Here you’ll find three options: Convert Selection to Swift, Convert File to Swift, Paste as Swift. Their names pretty much say it all.
Swiftify also has a Finder extension that you access by Control-clicking on a folder, ZIP file, or project/source file, then selecting a conversion type from the contextual menu.

Introduced after the initial public release of Swift, Swiftify’s converter has come quite a ways. It now handles complex conversion issues, with full block and closure support, class hierarchy support, and a deep understanding of data types and many complex Objective-C constructs.
If you’ve got an Objective-C code base, Swiftify is a must-have for your toolkit. And even if you already work exclusively in Swift, Swiftify is still handy for converting the Objective-C sample code you come across online.