Warning: Robots will be harmed in Cosmobot—Hyper Jump.

Cosmobot – Hyper Jump

Jump around, robot!


Set in a world where the danger of space travel has become too treacherous for humans, Cosmobot—Hyper Jump launches an endless supply of bots to the heavens. The goal? Get as high as you can to see what’s up there.

He’s cute, he’s courageous, and he’s rocketing toward outer space.

This vertical high-score chaser certainly lives up to the “hyper” part of its name. As your bot orbits a planet, tap at just the right moment to blast off to the next planet or catapult into a booster that ping-pongs your bot all over the screen. Mistime a tap and you have a few seconds to course-correct.

There’s plenty to avoid too; the skies are filled with mines, laser traps, and other menaces. And your bot will need to collect enough batteries to break through barriers and collect coins in the Hyper Jump bonus mode.

Bend bots around planets to gather helpful items.

Cosmobot’s snappy gameplay is matched by surprisingly sophisticated science. Each planet exerts a gravitational pull that must be considered as you zip up the screen. Perfectly flowing between planets is as satisfying as hitting a line when you’re skateboarding.

It’s all fast, fun, and free, with plenty of cool skins (the pointy-haired Astro Boy–inspired costume is our fave) to make your bot your own. Even after hundreds of launches, you’re always ready for one more blastoff.