Tread carefully in the wonderfully absurd Don't Trip.

Don't Trip!

Silly Walking Simulator


Dont Trip is one of the weirdest games you’ll ever play. Looking down at your shoes, you must walk across an endless living room. Your goal? It’s right there in the title.

This is complicated by the many obstacles you’ll have to avoid, like robots, toy trains, pointy blocks, and even more robots with knives taped to them. One errant step and it’s game over. Youch

Who left all this dangerous stuff lying around, anyway?

Where Dont Trip proves truly unique is in its control scheme. You hold your device sort of like a car steering wheel (hands at 10 and 2!), with your thumbs resting on the screen and serving as your left and right feet. To walk forward, lift one of your thumbs, then rotate your phone (again, imagine turning a steering wheel). Place your thumb back on the screen and your “shoe” will return to the ground. Repeat for each step, alternating left, right, left, right.

If this sounds ridiculous, it is! And that’s what makes Dont Trip so fun. The controls become pretty intuitive after a couple of playthroughs. You’ll be nimbly dancing over spiky toys in no time.

Dont Trip adds challenge in the form of missions. Kick beach balls, walk a set distance in a certain amount of time, and squish cockroaches (yuck!) to unlock groovy new shoes. Make things extra-weird by swapping out the standard red sneakers for unicorn slippers. Different shoes also change the style of the floor you traverse. One looks like outer space and makes the game extra, er, trippy.

It isn’t often that a game tries something completely new. Dont Trip may be odd, but give it a chance and we guarantee you’ll fall for it.