
Color Picker helps keep all your hues in harmony.

Color Picker


Still writing hex codes on sticky notes to track all the colors you’ve used in your app or on your website? Color Picker provides a better way. This lightweight utility helps you manage, sample, store, and generate color-related code.

If you’re looking for just the right hue to incorporate into your creation, simply pick one from the macOS Colors palette or drag Color Picker’s magnifying glass over any color on your screen. The app will display that the corresponding hex and decimal values, as well as a code snippet for use with NSColor and UIColor statements, in either Swift or Objective-C formatting. (If you know a color’s six-digit hexadecimal or RGB decimal value, you can enter it manually instead.) Click to copy the snippet to the clipboard, or drag it directly into Xcode or any other code editor.

Keep a library of color swatches—and all the info you need to use those colors.

You’ll most likely use the same colors in multiple places throughout your project—which makes Color Picker’s library especially handy. Save that perfect shade by dragging a swatch into the library pane, and it’ll be available any time you need. You can also create project-specific groups of colors. For example, if you’ve put together a set of complementary colors for your website, add them to a collection so they’re always a click away.