
Todoist: To-Do List & Planner

Task reminders & calendar


Todoist is a lightning-fast task manager that makes entering new to-dos incredibly easy. With the Quick Add feature (tap the big plus button), you can set a due date for a task, attach a label, set a priority level, and delegate it to a coworker—all in one fell swoop.

In many apps, assigning all that information can be laborious, but with Todoist you can add complex tasks using natural language: Set a due date by simply typing “today,” “tomorrow,” or “next Tuesday.”

Todoist even understands recurring due dates, such as “every two weeks” or “every first of the month beginning January 1.”

Siri integration makes it easy to add new to-dos with just your voice. And if you're running iOS 12 or later, you can use Siri Shortcuts to bring up your to-do list without ever opening the app.

Head to settings within Todoist, tap Siri, then tap Show Tasks under the Create Shortcuts area. You can set up custom voice shortcuts for just about any project or filter.

Try “tasks for today” to bring up every item you need to complete by the end of the day, or “tasks for priority 1” to pull up everything in your queue that needs immediate attention.