Everyone walks away a winner in the charming Clawberta.


Collect Cute Carnival Prizes!


Frustrated by those devious claw games at the arcade taunting you with cool toys just out of reach? Rejoice! Clawberta is one that’s actually possible to win.

So many adorable prizes await. Grab a good one!

Your iPhone or iPad is transformed into a glass case filled with gachapon—little plastic orbs holding secret prizes. Clawberta—the infamous mechanical claw, personified—dangles above them all with a determined face, a mess of pink hair, and two grabby pincers. Tap to move the joystick and tap again to press the big red button to snatch a trinket.

This isn’t your standard claw game, however. Behind the glass is a beautifully animated neon Tokyo skyline at night, grooving along to a catchy beat. The game is positively bursting with joy.

Be a careful collector and line up your winnings on virtual shelves.

And it overflows with goodies to grab and show off to your friends. You might get lucky and find a calculator shaped like a cat (Meowculator) or an adorable pug wearing cool sunglasses. Offering the rush of collecting prizes without the pain of losing quarters, Clawberta is a win-win.