Music and mazes collide in the grueling grooves of OCO.


one-touch puzzle-platformer


To solve the tricky challenges in Bristol-based developer Spectrum48’s stylish puzzler OCO, you’ll need more than smarts. You’ll need rhythm.

In each colorful level, drop a pixel onto a circular track, then tap to bounce your square around the rotating pattern. Grab all the yellow bits to move on.

Navigating an OCO level is like writing a song.

Every bump and bounce is punctuated by a beat; as you move through a level, the effects merge into soothing electronic tunes. Paired with soft color tones and wavy patterns left in your pixel’s wake, each puzzle feels like a unique piece of playable art.

Flat, abstract circles set the tone in the early levels, but you’ll quickly work your way up to huge, multitiered mazes that resemble little planets. And with each new world come fresh quirks. Blue platforms bounce your pixel sky-high, while purple platforms send your mark into orbit around the level. Green zones ramp up the speed, and devious red patches stop the music by destroying your pixel—making you start over from scratch.

OCO encourages creativity with a level editor, daily challenges, and plenty of player-created puzzles. Grab a pair of good headphones and bounce along.