Otter’s accuracy is impressive.

Otter: Transcribe Voice Notes

Teams Work & Meeting Recorder


One of the best transcription apps out there, Otter types out conversations in real-time with impressive accuracy.

What we love: How Otter leverages AI to help you make sense of all the meetings and conversations it transcribed for you. Use the Otter Chat feature to ask what next steps were agreed on, draft a follow-up email with details from your discussion, and more.

Sync your calendars with Otter to easily start a recording of a meeting in the My Agenda view (left). The app can also summarize live recordings on the fly.

Quick tip: Tap the highlighter icon as you’re recording to quickly find a key moment later; all highlighted lines will be on the Takeaways tab of your note.

Meet the creator: Sam Liang and Yun Fu felt the meetings and lectures they attended were often hard to follow and retain, with most insights forgotten forever. This inspired them to build, an automated, shareable note-taking tool, in 2016.