Blaze through Scorcher’s twisting tracks.


Blazing Fast Canyon Racing


Swerving through desert canyons at breakneck speeds is enough to make anyone sweat. But throw in gigantic worms and lethal land mines—not to mention a lack of brakes—and you’ve got one white-hot ride.

Scorcher is a gorgeous endless racer that puts you at the helm of a sand-skimming hovercraft. Responsive controls let you avoid craggy rock walls as you mow down hapless sand sharks for points.

But eventually you’ll become the prey, as deadly, snakelike behemoths writhe along the surface. Nimbly swerve around—and leap over—the lethal leviathans if you want to keep your ship in one piece.

The canyons, however, are determined to tear it apart. In addition to the worms, you have to deftly dodge walls and skim past land mines. Take a hit? Run over some sand sharks to fix it up, because once your hovercraft blows up, it’s back to the starting line for another try. But if you have an especially hot run, save a short replay using the built-in GIF creator and bask in the glory.

With new canyons come sharper turns, narrower courses, and greater risks.

A thumping electronica soundtrack and slick visuals make Scorcher a sensory delight. As you keep upping your score, you’ll earn new ships to pilot, canyons to bomb through, and behemoths to avoid. And if you do really well, you’ll unlock a Timed Run mode that lets you take control of one of the giant worms. Now who’s the king of the canyon?