Get an Endless Clipboard

Pastebot remembers everything you copy.


Command Copy & Paste


Have you ever copied something to the Clipboard but lost it because you accidentally copied something else before pasting? Never again with Pastebot! This nifty app keeps an eye on your Clipboard and saves every bit of text (or image or file) you cut or copy—and makes finding and pasting any of those items a snap.

What we love: How Pastebot improves your productivity—and keeps copied data safe—without making you learn a new routine. Just copy and paste as you normally would; if you ever need to find a previous Clipboard item, click Pastebot’s menu bar icon (or press Shift-Command-V) and choose what you want to paste. Open Pastebot’s main window to see more information about each clipping, including what it is (URL, plain or rich text, image, file type, etc.), its size, its capture date, and the app from which you cut or copied it.

See and use your past Clipboard contents; save and organize the snippets you plan to use repeatedly.

Quick tip: Pastebot offers a slew of features that go beyond multiple Clipboards. You can search your Clipboard history to find particular text, no matter how long ago you copied it, and save frequently used snippets for repeat pasting. The Sequential Paste feature makes it simple to copy multiple bits from one document and add them—in order—to another. And the app lets you create powerful filters for processing and reformatting text, saving you from having to switch to a separate utility or text editor.

Tweak your text using multistep filters that can include find-and-replace actions, text conversion, and more.

Meet the creator: Texas-based developer Paul Haddad and designer Mark Jardine have been creating apps together since 2008. Their company’s signature robot theme—found in apps including Pastebot, Tweetbot, Calcbot, Convertbot, and Weightbot—was inspired by the movie WALL-E, which debuted while the duo was working on their first app.