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Can You Beat This Final Fantasy Boss?

Ifrit is big and bad and loves playing with fire. Tap for tips, quick!


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Ifrit, the iconic baddie from Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition, goes by many names: God of Fire, Pyreburner, Betrayer. And he is as evil as they imply, sitting atop a throne made of bones, sporting snaking horns and clawlike fingernails. Did we mention he can manipulate fire?

As intimidating as he may be, your encounter with him outside Insomnia’s Citadel is a challenging, thrilling, and beatable battle. Whether you’re facing this Astral foe for the first or 15th time, these insights from Square Enix should help you deliver the final blow.

Like any classic Final Fantasy boss battle, the Ifrit fight starts with a dramatic cutscene.

Plan ahead

Your fight with Ifrit needs to begin before you ever meet. In advance of your encounter, be sure you’re properly leveled-up and have invested your ability points. Stock up on potions too. You should have plenty for each party member once fire starts raining from the sky.

Crucially, don’t sleep on Royal Arms quests. Collecting these ancient weapons unlocks Armiger attacks, which automatically inflict hefty damage while enhancing Noctis’ strength and speed. Monitoring the Armiger meter and unleashing its power for maximum effectiveness is key to wiping that smug look off Ifrit’s face.

He starts off pretty relaxed, but Ifrit eventually brings the pain.

Change it up

When you first encounter him, Ifrit looks pretty bored. He rests his head in his hand; he’s got a leg propped up on his throne. Given his chill demeanor, you might be tempted to leap in and deliver some easy, up-close damage. Do so at your own peril, however. Chances are, Ifrit will unleash a fiery vengeance.

Instead, alternate melee attacks with ranged strikes from Ignis and Prompto, who are especially skilled at dealing with damage from afar. And remember that whether you’re at Ifrit’s feet or a safe distance away, his area-of-effect attacks don’t discriminate. Always keep moving.


You typically want to keep your distance from Ifrit—except when he’s vulnerable. During these precious, fleeting moments, forgo cautious, ranged tactics and get within melee distance as quickly as possible. Use your warp-strike to make a beeline to your target and deliver damage. Continue hacking at him for a bit and watch his health bar begin to melt away.

Play your cards right and the demonic boss will eventually fall. Keep at it!

The final stretch

Once you’ve managed to halve Ifrit’s health, summon Bahamut. The Draconian Astral will keep the beast busy, giving your thumbs a brief reprieve. After this sequence, Ifrit returns to his throne area with full health. Enlist your previous strategy, attacking up close with Noctis and Gladiolus while letting your ranged allies do their thing from a distance. You’ll need to be fast, however, as Ifrit will now teleport around the battlefield, attacking with his sword and bombarding you with fire.

This is the lengthiest and most difficult portion of the fight, but warp-strikes and powerful Armiger attacks can even the odds. Once you’ve managed to siphon away a good chunk of Ifrit’s health, summon Astrals to finish the job.