A focused canvas for your best writing.

iA Writer

Laser-focused writing


iA Writer is a distraction-free tool kit designed to help you concentrate on crafting your words—and nothing more.

What we love: The interface is simply a blank document with a flashing cursor. Use Focus mode to dim everything except the sentence you’re working on. Switch to Syntax Highlight mode to display different parts of speech in their own color to help you spot superfluous adverbs and weak verbs.

Syntax Highlight mode makes it easy to spot overused nouns, verbs, adjectives, and more.

Quick tip: The app eliminates the distraction of formatting. However, if you really must bold a headline or italicize a title, simply tap the command keyboard or use Markdown. (Or better yet, stop tinkering and get back to work!)

Meet the creator: With iA Writer, founder Oliver Reichenstein aimed to re-create the focus and pleasure of writing with a mechanical typewriter—when there’s no need to worry about fonts and other aesthetic details. “The typewriter leaves you no other choice but to focus 100 percent on what you want to say,” he says. “You think twice before you hammer the letters in.”