Files at Your Fingertips

Trickster keeps recent and favorite files close at hand.

Trickster: Recently Used Files

Find what you just worked on


Can’t remember the name of an important document or where you saved it? Trickster can help. This productivity booster puts your most recent and important files in a handy systemwide menu—a trick you’ll happily fall for.

What we love: How convenient Trickster is. Click its menu bar icon and the app’s window lists the files, folders, and apps you’ve opened or modified most recently. For example, make changes to a report or download an item and those files automatically show up in Trickster’s list. The filters on the left side of the window help you quickly find specific kinds of items: files, folders, images, downloads, videos, and more.

Your recently used and favorite items are a convenient click away.

Quick tip: Trickster shows new and updated items in the Downloads, Movies, and Pictures folders by default, but you can monitor other folders—such as Documents, Desktop, and iCloud—by adding them to the Watched Folders list (via Preferences > Configure File Tracking). For instant access to specific files, folders, and apps, add them to the Favorites sidebar. (You can also drag an item from any Trickster list into folders and other apps!)

Meet the creator: Developer Jacob Gorban began programming as a child in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, learning Basic on a locally made computer hooked up to a TV. In 2006 he started his company, Apparent Software, which is still a one-person operation—he handles everything from writing code to providing tech support to answering user emails.