Help this intrepid trio track down a lost treasure.

Path of Giants

A puzzling quest for treasure


The shortest distance between two points is a straight line—except in the delightfully designed mini-mazes of Path of Giants.

To beat each level, move the right climber to the right switch. But how do you get there?

Three friends embark on a quest to uncover a mysterious object hidden deep in a snowy mountain range. To complete each level, guide all three characters to the precarious platforms matching their colors. Sounds simple, but Path of Giants quickly shows its puzzling genius.

Many pathways lead to dead ends. Doors can be blocked off or out of reach. And the diminutive teammates have to help one another climb or descend. It takes a keen eye and smart planning to move the trio in the right order.

Looking for more treasure? Tap the screen to smash open pots and jars.

But Path of Giants sets you up for success. The brilliant level design delivers a slow drip of new concepts to ensure you’re never in over your head, while the sharp, colorful graphics make it easy to visualize your options. And—best of all—there’s no timer stressing you out.

Seeking hidden treasure? You just found it.