Have trouble hearing your phone’s audio? SonicCloud can help.

SonicCloud Personalized Sound

Podcasts, Radio & Phone Calls


Everyone hears speech differently—and some of us hear certain letters better than others.

SonicCloud levels the audio playing field by adjusting sound to best suit the way you hear.

You’ll start by taking a hearing assessment in the app (or importing your audiogram from Apple Health). Based on the results, SonicCloud will let you know which letter sounds you hear well and which ones it can help you with.

SonicCloud walks you through the process of fine-tuning the timbre of your audio.

The app then walks you through the process of adjusting the timbre of audio to make speech sound clearer and more natural. You can apply this sonic profile to phone calls you initiate within the app, as well as to popular podcasts and internet radio streams available in SonicCloud. 

There’s even a tool that lets you adjust audio while you’re on a call. Does voice sound too muffled, tinny, or echoey? Just play with a few sliders until the sound is just right.