Start a Streak

Make great habits—or break bad ones.


The habit-forming to-do list


Goals are easy to set but hard to achieve. Streaks can help with that. The app makes it fun to stay on top of your goals by offering gentle reminders and proof of your progress.

Everything is viewable at a glance, with each task represented by a big, circular icon. Click and hold a task to mark it as complete.

Big icons for each task make it easy to quickly see—and mark off—a goal.

Each task’s icon shows the number of consecutive days you’ve accomplished it. See a star next to a task? You’ve set a new record!

Streaks displays historical stats about your habits, which can be very motivating to review.

And if you use Streaks on your iPhone, your progress syncs across devices—and with Apple Health. Set a goal to get seven hours of sleep a night, for example, and the app will sync with Bedtime mode in iOS to mark that complete.

Similarly, Streaks on iOS can automatically record daily goals like “walk 10,000 steps,” “exercise for 30 minutes,” or “meditate for 15 minutes” based on your iPhone or Apple Watch activity, then sync that progress to your Mac.