Let’s see how your skills stack up.

Balance Stuff

Relax and Stack Fun Objects


Stacking a pile of oddly shaped objects is usually a bad idea—but not in Balance Stuff! To pass one of its quirky challenges, you might stick a bonsai plant atop a floor lamp perched on a picture frame, or carefully set a watercooler on a desk chair teetering on a file cabinet. If your hodgepodge tower fits on one narrow shelf and doesn’t come crashing down, you win!

What we love: The hilarious combinations of items. Can you balance a skull on a giant bat precariously perched on an upright coffin? Or rest a table atop a cactus sitting on a chandelier (it works!)? With hundreds of puzzles and dozens of wacky categories to sift through—from sneakers to lunch boxes to robots—we find ourselves eagerly awaiting each new batch of stackables.

Books as big as a file cabinet? The strange sense of scale just enhances the game’s goofy charm.

Quick tip: Look for objects with flat tops and bottoms. Objects with rounded or uneven tops—like a desk clock or carved pumpkin—are best saved for putting on the tippy-top of your piles, as balancing more stuff on them is tricky (but not impossible!).

Meet the creator: Led by developer Rakshak Kalwani and artist Vikas Pawar, New Delhi–based VRPlaying Games aims to craft experiences that are cute, casual, and fun. The team’s catalog includes Assemble This, Donuts Delivery, and Puzzle Pieces Mania.