Tips for Simon’s Cat - Story Time

Match tiles in Simon’s Cat - Story Time.

Simon's Cat - Story Time

Thousands of Match 3 levels


Filled with felines, foliage, and friendly faces, Simon’s Cat - Story Time is as relaxing as tile-matching puzzlers get. If you need a little help unwinding—or just want a leg up restoring the neighborhood’s wilting gardens—give these tips a scratch behind the ears.

1. Work from the bottom up

On levels where you need to collect buried items, first clear clusters of colors at the bottom of the screen. Removing those will also have a bigger impact on the board. So if you’re stuck, match low!

2. Embrace the boost

Match five or more tiles and they’ll transform into a rocket, bomb, swirl, or other booster—and the more you match, the bigger the boost! For example, Magic Yarn (10 or more matches) will clear all tiles of the same color from the board. Pro tip: Try to land two boosters next to each other—the results are always explosive.

3. Boost early

Having trouble with a tricky level? Don’t restart—activate a booster! It just might change your fortunes. And be sure to load up open rakes and other tile-clearing tools when you can—they’re worth their weight in coins.