A telephonic mystery with an unfathomable enemy.

Doctor Who: Lonely Assassins

Found Phone Sci-Fi Horror Game


You’ve found a missing man’s phone and have so many questions. What happened to him? And who (or what?!) is prowling around in his phone’s photo gallery? In Doctor Who: Lonely Assassins, partner with UNIT scientist Petronella Osgood to unravel a curious conundrum.

What we love: The twists and turns as you comb every last text, email, and browsed website for clues. With terrifying Weeping Angels on the loose, danger lurks around every corner.

It’s fun playing detective, but stay sharp: Tech glitches aren’t the only enemy here.

Quick tip: Listen closely for a special appearance by Jodie Whittaker as the voice of the Doctor—and keep an eye out for evidence pointing to historical encounters with the Doctor across the ages. Is that modern art or is the Tardis at the Louvre? Allons-y!

Meet the creator: Lonely Assassins was codeveloped by Maze Theory (maker of the VR game Doctor Who: The Edge of Time) and Kaigan Games (Simulacra, Sara Is Missing).