Clubhouse: A Beginner’s Guide


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One of the buzziest virtual venues around, the audio-centric social media app Clubhouse lets you listen in on thousands of conversations happening in real time. These unscripted, podcast-like discussions dive deep on just about every subject imaginable—from cryptocurrencies and entrepreneurship to astrology and tarot card reading.

New to the club? Here’s a cheat sheet for all the app has to offer.

1. Start by scrolling the Hallway

The app’s main screen (known as the Hallway) is where you’ll find conversations happening in Clubhouse right now. Each Room gets its own card: At the top, you’ll see the name of the Club that’s hosting (there’s a little green house next to it). Right below that is the topic being discussed, followed by a few members who are currently listening in. The two numbers you see tell you how many people are in the Room and how many speakers are on the Stage. Just tap one to join! (When you’re done, hit the “Leave quietly” button—others won’t be notified when you exit.)

2. Tailor Clubhouse to you

Because there’s so much happening in Clubhouse, this next step is crucial. When you set up your profile, be sure to select at least a few topics you’re interested in; this will help Clubhouse suggest conversations relevant to you. There are categories ranging from wellness and world affairs to travel and tech, and more niche subcategories within each. (If you skipped this step when you created your profile, you can still edit your Interests: Tap your profile icon in the upper right corner, then tap the gear icon.)

Join thousands of live conversations with people who share the same passions and interests as you.

3. Find your community

Next step: Connect with people who are passionate about the same things you are! Tap the magnifying glass at the top of the Hallway to open the app’s Explore tab, where you can search for people, clubs, and topics. Scroll down on this screen to browse by topic; Clubhouse will suggest people and Clubs to follow. It’s a great way to see what’s available in the app.

4. Plan ahead

If you’re looking for interesting Rooms, a little planning can go a long way. Tap the calendar icon at the top of the Hallway for a continually updated schedule of upcoming Rooms. When you find one that looks interesting, tap the bell icon to RSVP and get reminded when the conversation kicks off.

5. Take the stage

A Clubhouse Room has two sections: a Stage of speakers and an Audience of listeners. Got something to say? Throw up a virtual hand so the moderator can invite you to the Stage. Just tap the hand icon on the bottom right of the screen. (Pro tip: You can customize your hand’s skin tone by touching and holding the icon.)