What’s New in Madden Mobile

Madden NFL 24 Mobile Football

Authentic Sports Game Action


Are you ready for some football? Then you’re ready for some Madden NFL 22 Mobile. The gridiron gaming great is running (and throwing) it back for another season—and this time, it’s breaking its own rules.

Grab some pads, knock the dirt out of your cleats, and check out these four highlights:

Mahomes is your QB? Go long!

1. A new Journey

Seasons, Leagues, Arena—there are lots of ways to play Madden, but if you’re looking for a little guidance, embark on a Journey. These multistage experiences walk you through training scenarios, drills, situational plays, and more. Complete them to unlock cool cards for your Ultimate Team (Tom Brady and Patrick Mahomes, for instance)—and maybe learn a few new tricks.

2. Line ’em up

Teams are meant to be mixed up—and you can now do just that with the new Multiple Lineup feature. From your Team screen, tap the Lineup menu and create new lineups as you see fit.

Make the GOAT even greater by upgrading him over 100.

3. Over-the-top OVR

Think you’ve built the perfect team? Think again. New to Madden NFL 22 Mobile is the ability to exceed the longstanding 100 OVR rating cap. Keep leveling up your stars and they’ll inch past the century mark!

4. Fumble!

On-field action gets an upgrade, too. Fumbles are tuned to more closely match what real-world players do, and your receiver’s feet will be more closely scrutinized when the refs are judging out-of-bounds calls. Drag those toes!