Play These Games— If You Dare!

Face your fears in 7 frighteningly fun adventures.

Demons, robots, clowns—they’re coming for you. These horror games deliver chills and thrills by the dozen, plus plenty of wicked surprises. Steel yourself for a pulse-pounding ride…and watch your back!

There’s a bad guy on the block in Hello Neighbor (top) and Secret Neighbor.

Evil street

Add a little stealth to your scares with Hello Neighbor. In this first-person frightfest, sneak around your neighbor’s house to discover his dark secrets without being caught. Whether you’re clambering through an upstairs window or hiding in a closet, the tension never lets up.

Want a little help? Try the multiplayer spin-off Secret Neighbor. Cooperatively search for basement keys while one person—playing as the neighbor—foils the rest with diabolical traps!

Warning: Five Nights at Freddy’s AR has lots of jump scares.

Cuddly killers

Five Nights at Freddy’s AR takes the series’ animatronic enemies out of the pizza parlor and into your living room through the power of AR. Scanning your surroundings and fending off foes with an electroshock weapon gets pretty intense—especially if your batteries run out, leaving you defenseless. Uh-oh…what’s that behind the bed?

20 Minutes Till Dawn unleashes hordes of Lovecraftian creatures.

Hellish monsters

Everything attacks you (even the trees!) in 20 Minutes Till Dawn, a survival game where you’re mobbed by supernatural foes. Slow ’em with freeze blasts, fry ’em with lightning, and don’t lose hope: The more creatures you slay, the mightier you become—and the greater your odds of living through that harrowing 20-minute gauntlet.

All that C4 for one bug? Whatever it takes in Kill It With Fire!

Creepy crawlies

No weapon’s too big in Kill It With Fire, a tongue-in-cheek romp about hunting eight-legged intruders. Bazooka, flamethrower, cheesy snacks—purge tiny arachnids from homes and offices by any means necessary. Be sure to stick around for a deliriously over-the-top final act that really lives up to the game’s title.

Stealth is your friend in Alien: Isolation. If the enemy’s this close, it’s game over.

Lethal invader

Few games evoke genuine dread like Alien: Isolation. As Amanda Ripley (daughter of franchise hero Ripley), you’re stuck aboard a space station with few weapons and a deadly Xenomorph on the loose. Stunning graphics and superb sound design (hisssss!) ratchet up the terror as you hide, sneak, and try to escape the outpost before the Alien gets you.

Watch for secret crawlways while exploring Very Little Nightmares’ huge rooms.

Menacing mansion

Very Little Nightmares dares you to escape a giant house full of crumbling floors and other treacherous traps. The only way out: solving puzzles to open doors and evade monstrous adults (like the long-armed Craftsman). Haunting visuals and a lingering sense of dread make this adventure unforgettable.