Meet the Jawesome Stars of Hungry Shark World

Hungry Shark World

Eat Fish, Attack and Survive


There’s some-fin delicious about playing an apex predator—and you can’t get higher up the food chain than terrorizing the seas in Hungry Shark World.

You’ll control all kinds of fearsome creatures as you gobble up everything in this arcade high-score hunt. Some are fast, most are huge, a few have rad hardware, and every last one of them is famished. Prepare to get chummy with this lineup of ferocious faves:

Great White

The most famous fish in Hungry Shark World can blast through steel but is also small enough (relatively speaking) to squeeze through tight spaces. In real life, great whites sport serrated teeth and live for up to 70 years. Hope they don’t hold a grudge!

Basking Shark

Use that gaping maw to gather up all the tasty treats in the sea (even whales are not safe). It gobbles tourists in-game, but real basking sharks are only equipped to eat plankton. Regardless, we wouldn’t want to run into this 10,000-pound behemoth while snorkeling.

The Frenzy

Nine sharks for the price of one! This deadly crew can take down almost anything—including other sharks, like Mecha Sharkjira. Good for us that it’s just a figment of developer Gameloft’s imagination (we hope).

Robo Shark

This mechanical menace is made of steel, hydraulics, and an unquenchable thirst for proximity mines. Try pairing it with a jetpack to supercharge your out-of-water excursions.

Zombie Shark

It may look a little worse for wear, but this undead beast has special powers: Its bite can infect other sharks! Once turned, your fellow zombies will chomp fish on your behalf (and send your score sky-high.)


We’re relieved to report that rotating buzz-saw teeth don’t occur in nature (that we know of). But in the game, they’re perfect for tearing through submarines!

Ancient Megalodon

With age comes wisdom…and the ability to emit massive shock waves. The Ancient Megalodon is amazing at eating prey. Just don’t try squeezing this massive monster through the pipe system.