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MusicHarbor cues up the latest releases.

MusicHarbor - Track New Music

Find releases, concerts & news


MusicHarbor is like having a personal music assistant—one who knows your tastes and alerts you whenever your favorite artists and labels release new material.

What we love: How fun it is to discover new music! Simply have MusicHarbor scan your local, Apple Music, or Spotify library for artists to follow (Settings > Import Artists), then click Latest Releases for a chronological grid of the latest albums, singles, EPs, remixes, and videos. The app will even uncover rare collaborations and cameos. Click any item to view its details screen, where you can listen to or view the release or add it to your music library.

When viewing an item, click the Reviews button (on the upper right) to search Metacritic, Pitchfork, or AllMusic for reviews.

Quick tip: Don’t want to track every artist in a huge library? Opt instead to follow the artists from a specific playlist—or manually add artists and labels by clicking the plus-sign button in Artist or Record Label view. And don’t miss the app’s downloadable shortcuts (Settings > Shortcuts Gallery) for ways to quickly create lists of new releases, add them to your calendar, and more.

Meet the creator: Marcos Tanaka got his first iPod in 2006 and has been developing apps since 2018.