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LOOM: learn about your body

women's health and wellbeing


LOOM’s guides cover many important aspects of women’s health and wellness, including periods, pregnancy, and menopause.

What we love: How the app distills big topics—like fibroids and postpartum warning signs—into understandable takeaways. Each guide begins with a question (“What happens during my cycle?” or “What is egg freezing?”), then explains the details in a way that feels like learning from a trusted friend. Check the Sources section to see the medical journals, books, and articles consulted for each guide.

Dive deep into health topics with polls, statistics, and more.

Quick tip: Head to the Listen tab to hear women share their personal stories on diverse topics like managing polycystic ovary syndrome and birthing experiences.

Meet the creator: According to cofounder and CEO Erica Chidi, the LOOM team launched the app to create a less-clinical-feeling resource for women’s health. “Our goal is to alleviate the loneliness and isolation commonly associated with women’s health issues,” she says.