If you had the power to freeze time...


You stop, Time stops


Remember the time freeze flash mobs that were popular a decade ago? In TIME LOCKER – Shooter, time stops when you stop. When you are stationary, the world pauses for you. The moment you inch forward, everything springs back to life, and whatever is out to get you, will get you quickly.

In most games, time manipulation is a superpower. But not here. Since the game is designed around your ability to stop time at will, the superpower loses its edge, and you’ll find yourself itching to move.

At first, it’s easy to mistake TIME LOCKER – Shooter as a slow game. After all, you can stop time and all. It cannot be further from truth – you’ll learn why when you have your face plastered onto an enemy for the first time. Never linger too long. Don’t forget, something is out to get you, and it is hot on your trail.

While the game mechanics may sound unusual, once you play a few rounds they’ll become second nature. And as you try to get the hang of it, the game’s cute ensemble of low-poly animals will help you settle in.

You will go against packs of dogs and even penguins crossing the road. Fortunately, your cast is nothing to scoff at: You can choose anything from a rocket launcher-wielding pink rhino to a laser-firing blue dinosaur to chew through the obstacles. It’s a wild ride.