Does not Commute


At first glance, Does Not Commute seems like a simple driving game. All you have to do is steer hot rods, garbage trucks, mopeds, and other vehicles from one part of the city to another. The game has only two controls: turn left or turn right.

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it?

It is, at first. But things quickly become more difficult.

The stories that accompany each commuter are good for a chuckle.

That’s because after each round, the streets get busier with all the cars you’ve already driven. Your previous trips are replayed back exactly as you drove them, and the longer you play, the more challenging it is to avoid your own cars. As the streets become more congested, the action turns downright anarchic, but thankfully you can rewind when you fail, reroute your commuters, and try again.

To add to the pressure, there’s a steadily ticking timer. Get the commuters to their destinations before it runs out or the game’s over.

Weather, as well as increasingly busy roads, make it tricky to get your commuters to their destinations on time.

There are time-boosting power-ups along the way, though, and you’ll need them. Every collision you get wrapped up in damages your car and slows it down, as might taking what you thought was a shortcut through the woods.

If Does Not Commute’s frenetic pace doesn’t drive you mad, it’s likely to become your fun-filled traffic…jam.