Have a blast with Supercell’s multiplayer marvel.

Brawl Stars

Epic 3v3 and Battle Royale


Sticks of dynamite fly overhead, a wrestler tackles your closest teammate, and a bear does its darndest to maul you. Just another day on Brawl Stars’ hyperkinetic battlefields.

This explosive action game mixes up the popular multiplayer online battle arena format with bite-size matches featuring cartoony combatants.

Moments of quiet won’t last. Be ready for battle!

In the main mode, Gem Grab, two teams of three go all out to capture jewels that pop up in the center of the arena. Run into tall grass to hide from your foes and heal, but watch out—they might be waiting to spring an ambush.

Racking up wins lets you unlock fighters with wildly inventive attacks. Mortis summons health-draining vampire bats. Bull delivers a running headbutt. And Tara hurls a gravity well that attracts (and devastates) nearby opponents. Brawl Stars’ ever-growing roster and creative moves offer a host of strategic possibilities.

When your health’s low, retreat and recover—then jump back into the fight.

With a slew of timed events and modes, there’s always a new way to play. Brawl Ball is soccer with grenades and rocket launchers, while Showdown is a mini battle royale, with 10 brawlers duking it out as a cloud of poisonous gas closes in. And Siege spawns a giant robot that lumbers toward the enemy’s base.

Brawl Stars’ short, punchy matches pack incredible depth. Whether you’re clobbering foes online or sharpening your skills against savvy bots, hours of fun await. Brawl on!