The fast (and fun!) way to stay informed.


Making it easier to live smart


Bite-size news app theSkimm answers the question many of us wonder after we wake up each morning: What happened in the world while I was sleeping? And what do I need to know to start my day?

The monthly subscription includes an indispensable news digest called The Daily Skimm, delivered at 6 a.m. ET every day. It’s packed with summaries of the day’s top stories, all served with a side of silly humor, wit, and emoji.

The app’s calendar tracks important events in sports, business, entertainment, and more. Emoji included.

If you prefer listening to your news rather than reading it, lend an ear to Notes, found in the Audio tab. These 10-minute mini-podcasts break down complex topics—like Middle East foreign policy and net neutrality—so you can speak intelligently about them to friends and family (and online foes).

TheSkimm’s major events Calendar can be found in the app or synced to your iOS calendar. You’ll find pivotal dates for the presidential election, the most-hyped TV premieres, and the best obscure food holidays—all in one place.